Mr. Rivera addresses security with decorative gates that can slide on tracks.
If decorative gates can evoke the same response as real gates, then maybe the look of neighborliness - porches, wide sidewalks and village greens - can evoke real neighborliness.
Behind it, numbers two and three broke through in tandem, rat- tling right across the twisted remains of Seiji Kuwahara's decorative gates.
Also, many newer suburban subdivisions employ decorative gates to give the impression of exclusivity and seclusion.
It is situated in large grounds, with decorative gates, a large garden, and hundreds of rooms.
Trains no longer enter the original Concourse but the original, decorative gates were relocated to the new passenger concourse.
The driveways were blocked with decorative eight-foot-high electric gates between stone pillars.
The old guardhouse, used when Malba had guards and stone and masonry decorative gates, now stands empty on a well-tended grassy triangle called R.L. von Bernuth Park at Malba Drive and Boulevard.
Even as Bridgeport's barriers were going up, for example, Mr. Newman was helping officials in Dayton, Ohio, install decorative gates that turned 35 streets and 25 alleys into cul-de-sacs in a neighborhood that had begun to rebound from crime and decay.
Smaller in scale, Daiyu-in is in fact the more impressive mausoleum, set on a forested hillside and approached by three flights of stone stairs and five decorative gates.