Some of the furniture and decorative artworks in the house are originals owned by Mary Surratt.
The memorial's canopy features several mosaics as external and internal decorative artworks.
The vibrations translated to the bulkheads and even to the pieces of decorative artwork hanging on the walls, which quivered noticeably.
The role of music in American society from the 1700's to the present is illustrated in 90 paintings, sculptures, textiles and decorative artworks.
The snow-white marble of the walls is decorated with decorative artworks created by M. Alekseev.
Paintings and decorative artworks, primarily from the royal house of Kotah.
The statues were just that, decorative artworks designed to greet-or perhaps intimidate-anyone entering the canyon.
Looking back, it seems a wonder that any decorative artwork in the New York subway ever made it to the 21st century.
Rather than the image's edges being rectilinear, it is overlayed with decorative artwork featuring a unique outline.
It changed location several times in the early years, and came to include archaeological finds, decorative artworks and local historical artefacts.