For women 'lucky' enough to get this childcare allowance, their husbands' dole payments would decrease accordingly.
In this way, the proposition is focused a little more clearly and its dependence on contextual support decreases accordingly.
With each ascending rung of the invisible ladder, the numbers decreased accordingly.
It's not news that when the economy is good, the big donors give more, and when business is bad, corporate contributions decrease accordingly.
Be aware, however, that feeding formula decreases the need for breast milk, and your milk supply will decrease accordingly.
If both parties in the transaction are closing positions then the open interest decreases accordingly.
When Blundell Park became an all seated stadium in 1995, the overall capacity of the ground decreased accordingly.
However, the contrast decreases accordingly as the electron probe loses current with travel distance and increase of pressure.
Both of these nations demonstrate that despite greater openness and growth, spatial inequalities do not necessarily decrease accordingly with overall economic growth.
While reliability increased, this engine installation also created more drag than the M-15 had, and performance decreased accordingly.