The Great Depression decreased white demand for the subdivision's properties.
The Depression had decreased demand for coin in commerce; no half dollars had been struck in 1930, and none would be until 1933.
If the value of sterling declines against the dollar this will increase the price of those goods, but decrease demand.
But the reason for the decline in prices "is decreased demand," he said.
If we reduce our criminal-penal efforts, how much of the savings could be better utilized for education and medical efforts to decrease demand?
An increase in German rates would make the mark more valuable and decrease demand for the dollar and other currencies.
As with most demand curves, a price increase decreases demand.
Rather than increase the food supply, he reasons, he will decrease demand.
"Liberating" the trust fund from its role as captive customer will significantly decrease demand for Government securities, tending to drive prices down and yields up.
In some cases, cost-sharing can decrease demand for mosquito nets by erecting a price barrier.