"Getting warmed up increases blood flow to the muscles, gets you more flexible, and could decrease injuries," she adds.
The American Academy of Pediatrics has identified the following basic rules to decrease preventable injuries: 1.
This way, Formula One began to improve safety, decreasing the number of deaths and serious injuries along the decades.
The field is made of natural grass, which can decrease injuries, but can also decrease the running speed as compared to artificial turf.
High-tech protective football gear doesn't decrease injuries but increases them, since it encourages more aggressive play.
A warm-up program has been founded to decrease injuries in association football.
Ergonomic intervention in manual handling can decrease injuries and increase worker productivity.
Warm-up programs can improve the strength of the knee muscle, which, in turn, may decrease injuries.
A comprehensive warm-up program decreases injuries in football.
Some are suggesting that entire games be played with one fewer skater as a way to increase scoring and decrease injuries.