She decreased taxes by reducing some and eliminating others, and sharply controlled her realm's spending.
Awards for "valuable" films would decrease taxes, thus encouraging self-censorship among movie makers.
You can't increase military spending, decrease taxes and balance the federal budget unless you cut much of what the government does.
"The ultimate frustration," the letter continued, is that "the money we are not accepting will only be spent somehow, somewhere else rather than going to decrease taxes."
During the early part of Clinton's first term, he put in place a tax code which would increase taxes on the rich and decrease taxes on the poor.
Evasion is an illegal strategy to decrease taxes.
He also tried to decrease mandatory taxes and hard labor.
The government would undertake to decrease or eliminate other taxes to make it revenue neutral.
During his two terms as mayor, he strictly budgeted the city, decreased the debt and lowered taxes.
He helped engineer changes in the tax code, reduce income tax rates and decrease taxes for corporations.