The population has decreased by about 3,000 people since 1980.
The area's unemployment rate decreased to 3 percent in March 1988, about half the national average.
By 1982 it had decreased to about 30,000, and in 2009 there were fewer than 500.
The municipal population has been decreasing by about 8% over the last ten years.
The duration of sleep in one case decreased to about 2-4 hours per 24 hour period.
The population has decreased about 500 persons since the first census of 1991.
That means the Army would decrease its operation by about 30 percent of what it presently does, the paper said.
In just 15 years, the average age of fish has decreased about 10 years.
The population has decreased about 400 people since 1991.
After the war, the peace-time population decreased to about 25,000.