But at the time, its outgoing grants were both tiny and dedicated to the underwhelming goal, of "innovation in the field of architectural and interior design".
We are up against powerful forces who are dedicated to the goal of a One World Government.
Dedicated to the goal of becoming the best player in the world, Sharapova does not stray too far off course.
The Self-Respect Movement was described from the beginning as "dedicated to the goal of giving non-Brahmins a sense of pride based on their Dravidian past".
He was dedicating himself to the goal of finding the lost byperspace shunt.
In 2000, the movement joined Israel's Likud party as a faction dedicated to the same goal.
This national, broad-based initiative is dedicated to the goal of ending homelessness.
A university was created in Leipzig, 150 miles south of here, dedicated to the national goal of winning medals.
In 1853 Bourget founded the Annales de la tempérance, a society dedicated to the goal of temperance.
A variety of groups emerged dedicated to the goal of reviving the Chuvash religion.