They are, now as always, the corps of dedicated activists working to advance the cause of racial justice.
On the contrary, she recognizes that a relatively small group of dedicated activists has produced the seismic shifts around us.
She is a dedicated activist who frequently attends or organizes rallies.
In a 2003 interview, one of its former leaders recalled that MMI started with a core of about 50 dedicated activists.
It is awarded to dedicated activists, regardless of how high their profile may be on a national scale.
Mr. Milosevic's mother, who reared him, was also a teacher, and a dedicated Communist activist.
Roerich was a dedicated activist for the cause of preserving art and architecture in times of war.
Every week a handful of dedicated activists produces 300 leaflets on a timely topic and gives them to all takers.
The boys were raised by their mother, a teacher and dedicated Communist activist.
As an organization founded by native Chinese people, at its core, there are some of the most dedicated Chinese activists.