Being a dedicated journalist, the writer knew it would be irresponsible to leave the showroom floor without giving this machine a thorough test run.
Aljazeera is a legitimate news organization with dedicated journalist who try to get to the truth.
She gains popularity in the channel's office as a dedicated journalist.
He stated that "Atif's death is irreparable loss; he was a brave and dedicated journalist."
Ever since she entered the television news business in the mid-1980's, April Oliver has impressed her colleagues as an extremely confident and dedicated journalist.
Macías was a dedicated journalist who would go through in obstacle to help her region, even if that meant risking her life for others' protection.
Mr. Bloom was remembered at the service as a dedicated journalist who had overcome personal problems in recent years.
The news site was launched in 1998, with its own dedicated journalists.
Now a dedicated journalist with CBS news.
There are many other tools available to dedicated journalists.