One aspect of the communication system to be installed in the new space will be a dedicated network linking 500 personal computers.
Can't they use dedicated networks instead or is that too expensive?
In many cases, a dedicated network is not available.
This creates technological and bureaucratic challenges to the application of 911 service, which takes place on a dedicated network connected to the traditional telephone infrastructure.
Many cities have their own dedicated suburban networks to cater to commuters.
Like a direct line connecting two endpoints, this dedicated network allows information to flow directly at high data rates from one remote host to another.
It means that you don't have to build a dedicated network between you and your friend on the other side of the country.
The image can then be transferred, over the Internet or dedicated network to a physician for immediate examination, or for storage and later review.
Within the area, there is a small but dedicated network of support for dissident republicans.
The Compendium is realised thanks to a dedicated network of partners including governments, cultural policy experts and research institutes across Europe.