The new version included a special dedicatory poem To Goethe and was split into two parts, intended to be given on two successive evenings.
He was to read Czepko's Monodisticha in 1652 and wrote two dedicatory poems for it.
The dedicatory poems by Ben Jonson and John Milton in the second folio were the first to suggest that Shakespeare was the supreme poet of his age.
The W. R. writing a dedicatory poem to the Mataeotechnia medicinae praxeos (1651) of Noah Biggs has tentatively been identified as Rand.
This fourth copy also includes three dedicatory poems prefacing the play.
While her name was left off the title page, the dedicatory poems clearly identified her by name.
The words first appear in Ben Jonson's dedicatory poem in the First Folio, published in 1623, seven years after the death of the Stratford man in 1616.
Some extra special copies had a full-page engraving by Hughes-Stanton for the dedicatory poem to "S.A.".
The American objectivist poet, Louis Zukofsky, wrote a dedicatory poem to Serly, published in the avant-garde magazine, Blues, in February 1929.
The collection was dedicated to Haydn, whom Reicha knew since the early 1790s, and included a dedicatory poem by Reicha, in French and German.