For homeowners and condo owners, Mr. Wasser said, the rebate is deducted directly from property taxes.
This is in contrast to credits or other types of relief that are deducted directly from the amount of Corporation Tax payable.
In some instances, the costs of administrative services will be covered by investment fees that are deducted directly from investment returns.
You pay for them in the form of an indirect charge against your account because they are deducted directly from your investment returns.
Everybody should divert at least 10 percent of income to retirement accounts, and it should be deducted directly from paychecks - hence the term "automatic."
SHARE - Donors allow monthly donations to be deducted directly from their pay.
They are awarded under complex formulas and are deducted directly from a company's Federal tax bill.
However the funding was rather controversial at the time since nearly everyone working in town had their paychecks deducted directly for involuntary "contributions".
Chinese workers work between 10 and 12 hours per day and their accommodation and food costs are often deducted directly from their wages.
Fees are deducted directly from checking accounts.