For many, the sheik, with his inflammatory preaching and the bloody deeds attributed to his followers, has come to symbolize the danger.
Perhaps the most reckless deed attributed to the Bottoms Gang occurred on the morning of April 14, 1908.
Compiled and drafted by scribes and clergymen, these accounts were written in Latin and served as written collections of the deeds and miracles attributed to the saint, both during his or her life or after death.
When he interviewed Kaprov, the Colonel told him that although heavy fighting took place in Dubosekovo, the Guardsmen did not perform the deeds attributed to them by the press.
Mr. O'Connor has questioned whether there could be any survivors who were first-hand witnesses to the criminal deeds attributed to a guard known as Ivan the Terrible.
Anna Finocchiaro, the Minister for Equal Opportunity, criticized Mr. Andreatta, saying the deeds attributed to the soldiers were a "very serious felony, a crime against human rights."
He is recognized as a Saint in the Eastern Orthodox Church for his tireless defense of the faith, for miraculous deeds attributed to him, and for his Christian spirit.
He had a dozen identities, hundreds of deeds attributed to him, an all-purpose hero who couldn't have been responsible for a tenth of what they said.
As such, the negative deeds attributed to Cao in the novel are either altered to depict him in a more positive light or simply removed entirely.
Writing several decades after the fall of the so-called "Julio-Claudian dynasty", Suetonius took care to mention both the good and wicked deeds attributed to members of the family.