The site also carries deed restrictions to insure its industrial use.
How much do you know about deed restrictions and the unexpected ways they can control the way you're allowed to use your property?
In fact, they wrote the prohibition laws into the original deed restrictions for the land sold.
The board members and fire officials have been discussing whether they should reopen negotiations on the deed restrictions.
In 1985, under the deed restriction, they could have resold the property for $46,864.
By deed restriction, at least one member of the household must be age fifty-five or higher.
There are no other special deed restrictions on the property, according to town records.
He has argued that such deed restrictions could be used to reserve certain sites for commercial property.
The 1936 deed restriction states that the city is required to maintain the land as a public park.
So far the only concrete hope of the protesters is a 162-year-old deed restriction.