He found a deep alcove between two buildings, where a wooden stair went up.
Built into the granite wall of the cavern, some thirty feet from the ground, was a deep alcove.
The reason was that the room possessed three deep alcoves, each a trifle higher than the regular floor.
With a gesture, he indicated a chair in a deep alcove at the back of the room.
Sparhawk led the way to the rear of the chamber and back into a deep alcove.
He caught sight of a deep alcove he had missed before.
It was darker here, the wall turning back into a deep, shadowed alcove.
The front door was set in a deep alcove approached by a wide porch.
The original structure was a simple, rectangular building with a deep, half-circle alcove at the back.
At the center of the balcony, a deep alcove sheltered a single wooden door.