In addition, it is far from clear whether the opposition forces can put together a coalition given their deep antagonisms along ideological, regional and class lines.
He felt a deep, unwavering antagonism and distrust towards all white men except this one.
There was a deep and natural antagonism between the two men; they were too much alike in character ever to have been anything but enemies.
Americans have always held a deep antagonism for the pretensions of high art.
A big factor in the election was South Korea's deep regional antagonisms.
I don't think there's any deep, deep fundamental antagonism, but it doesn't work perfectly yet.
I suppose we could imagine some deep ideological antagonism between the two sides that led to this, but such an extreme of cultural psychopathology seems unlikely.
"The problem is that there is such deep antagonism and suspicion."
Far easier to feed on the deep and primordial antagonisms all organic forms felt for the outsider, the intruder, the alien.
The two sides came to the hands and the deep antagonism then divides the two parishes until 1729.