The best mountings may be in deep boreholes, which avoid thermal effects, ground noise and tilting from weather and tides.
In many places the goz is waterless and can only be inhabited where there are water reservoirs or deep boreholes.
Thermophitic, anaerobic bacteria isolated from a deep borehole in granite in Sweden.
Drilling began with test bores to assess the viability of a deep borehole.
All the other deep boreholes were located within gravity lows.
Water in the pool is in part supplied from a 240m deep borehole.
All the deep boreholes are now available to hire for a range of down hole testing.
Indian scientific establishment has formulated an ambitious project to drill a deep borehole in the region and intensely study the earthquake activity.
In deep boreholes there are crystalline rocks.
We were going to anyway, and then dig a deep borehole and instrument it.