I knew early on that I wanted to pursue a deep communion with God, since that's what allows me to be truly happy.
Dibbler was silent for a moment, his expression that of a man in deep communion with some inner god.
Most of all, times of deep communion with God.
It wasn't the noisy chatter of mental voices; it was a deep and wordless communion.
This explicit desire for deep communion with God runs right through the psalms, and it was also characteristic of the early Christian community.
It was a deeper communion than he had ever known, or so it seemed to him at that moment.
Dad and she Sophie is right have a deep and unfathomable communion.
Or was it the body's hunger for closeness which opened the mind to the deeper communion of minds?
"That food and I are going to share a deep, spiritual communion."
This provides time for deep communion with the fundamental forces and spiritual energies of creation and self-identity.