Industry analysts said the alliance would probably lead to deep cutbacks at Wang.
Still, it has hung on to its top status despite deep military cutbacks, white-collar layoffs and corporate defections.
"Employment has continued to advance this year, and, at present, deep or prolonged cutbacks in production do not seem likely," Mr. Greenspan said.
Nevertheless, the war's end resulted in deep cutbacks and layoffs for Garrett Corporation.
Many steps were under way when the terrorist attacks on New York and Washington caused deep cutbacks in air travel worldwide.
I know of no reliable studies of the long-term effects of deep cutbacks, but there is cause for concern in the here and now.
Nokia is responding with deep cutbacks in its network equipment division.
Democratic lawmakers, with some courage, proposed a significant property tax increase to spare the county deep cutbacks in services.
Can Lincoln Center, at a time of deep cutbacks in public and private giving to the arts, afford it?
When she graduated four years later, the deep cutbacks in space had already begun.