I want deep digging.
None of it was hard evidence, but it was enough to encourage a deeper digging.
I always wondered if there might be something to it... not to the extent that I'd bother to do any deeper digging but maybe some reading here has?
Often, however, Weber depends on apocrypha when deeper digging might be called for; "probably" and "perhaps" occur a few too many times.
"I get five coppers usually, but this was deeper digging."
The substantial literature and other media on the subject advise deep digging, annual top dressing with manure or home-made compost, and crop rotation.
This led to its deeper digging into the river bed due to its flowing faster.
But no deep digging for a while.
The WHY of the rules requires a lot deeper digging into the mechanics of electrons.
A problem mining this creek is the depth of the bedrock and the flooding of the deep diggings.