You may have heard that having deep eaves on your house will block the summer sun but let the winter sun in.
It features a porch with Doric order columns, massive deep eaves, and half-timbering.
Now the first house, with its broad gables and deep eaves, was already up.
It also has a low hipped, tile-covered roof with bracketed deep eaves.
Courtiers peered from the guest house windows or came out and stood under deep eaves, afraid to approach him.
It is a single-storey house featuring deep eaves, a slate roof and a verandah with columns.
It had deep eaves and little stone eyebrows above each lead-paned window.
It has a low pitched gable roof with deep overhanging eaves.
But here and there bright sunbeams fell in glimmering shafts from the eastern windows, high under the deep eaves.
The roof is a pitched gable structure with deep eaves.