The next swing put the ball in deep left field, allowing Donna to get to second base.
His team's 4x800 relay team ran 7:58.87 and finished eighth in a deep field which included nine sub-8:00 times.
Although the selection committee focused on line one, coaches and fans took stock of what appeared to be a very deep field.
He peered into a deep field where shadows played.
He hit a fly ball to deep left field in the 6th inning narrowly missing a home run.
If something didn't turn up soon, Farge would have to make for the deep field in order to charge.
The feat is nearly impossible in today's deep 65-team field.
He smacked a line shot into deep left field.
"I don't see a deep field coming up from the junior ranks," he said.
If teams sit back to cover the deep field, offenses should be able to run the ball on them.