I sat across from the editor, a man in shirt sleeves with deep hollows under his eyes.
His eyes were in deep hollows and he wasn't able to straighten himself up.
What was pride when compared to seeing huge eyes sunken in deep, hungry hollows?
Moore asked, and Kip saw that there were deep hollows under his friend's eyes, as if he'd only slept for a couple of hours.
What was visible seemed to be small deep hollows, and ground-hugging bushes.
The cheekbones, high and forbidding, were undermined by deep hollows.
Naomi looked terrible: gaunt, with deep hollows in her cheeks.
His eyes, blue sparks in their deep hollows, studied them.
When I'd last seen him he had been gaunt and very pale, with deep, dark hollows under his eyes.
The road for me has deep hollows," I told him, "and high hills.