Images from Egyptian painting, Greek sculpture and other ancient artifacts reflect the artist's deep immersion in mythology.
Since Hopkins was said to be famous for lacrosse many of us went to the games and pretended at deep immersion in fun.
"King of Comedy" is written out of a deep immersion in Lewisiana.
Still, he said, "a deeper immersion" and interplay between scholarly ideas and political curiosity is needed.
His academic training, however, had involved a deep immersion in both classical Chinese and Western modernist landscape styles.
His antidote to frustration is still deeper immersion in policy details.
The result is not a deeper immersion in the story, but periodic, jolting reminders that the author has introduced an element of fiction.
My vote goes to Mr. Ozawa for his deeper immersion in the music.
Undisturbed by waves or foam or sudden deep immersions, you learn to move and breathe like a dolphin.
This latter approach is closer to traditional ethnographic standards of participant observation, prolonged engagement, and deep immersion.