Though almost none of the students enter these temporary trades, most describe a deep, newfound kinship with blue-collar workers.
Sam felt close to his lively, quirky mother but lacked deep kinship with his unimaginative, conventional brothers and sisters.
Moto feels a deep kinship towards Americans, often referring to his time spent there.
These creatures, she mused, must have a deep kinship with pain, because it was ever-present.
That's probably why he felt such a deep kinship with so many failing students in the back rows of his classrooms.
He tended to be reclusive, retreating into his world of symphonic imagination; no composer has known a deeper kinship with elemental nature.
It is unusual and awkward for someone to máno non-relatives or new acquaintances unless there is a relatively deep kinship involved.
Its intense rhythmic bounce finds a deep kinship between African and Celtic dance beats.
Several students likened the bond among the women to the sense of deep kinship felt among members of a religious congregation.
Chakotay felt a deep kinship with these people.