In adult males, the outer tail feathers are deep magenta to wine purple tipped with black.
It may show a cream, peach or yellow colouration, but it can also sometimes be tinged with a deep magenta, shading almost to red.
Even the variations on red that are available - the softer apricot, deeper magenta or singular yellow - brighten both the room and your soul.
The flowers range from pale purple to deep purple magenta.
Pancahtan foliage was dark, ranging from deep magenta to black.
The flower is roughly 1 to 2 centimeters in length and any shade of pink from nearly white to deep magenta.
When the two are used together a light pink color replaces the deep magenta.
Each rose is open-faced and generally flat, with five petals in any shade of pink from almost white to deep magenta.
In the open first-floor room, paint color is used to divide the open space: a deep magenta for the living area, red for the kitchen.
Both were male, and the older one was balding, his skull turning a deep magenta where the hair used to be.