The shrine, of similar red sandstone as the cathedral, has a base pierced with deep niches.
The product had difficulty climbing out of its deep green niche.
A niche, four inches deep was dug in the south wall of the burial chamber.
He pushed aside the opened stacks of cash and tucked the rubies into a deep niche.
Two men were seated in front of the safe, which occupied a deep niche, specially made for it.
The pass was no more than a deep niche in the face of the cliff, the sides slanting inward and almost closing far above them.
But there's a deep niche in the wall there.
Frank crouched in a deep rocky niche and heard heavy footsteps pounding on the stone floor.
"There's where it was," she said softly and pointed to a deep niche cut into the surface of the stone overmantel.
The wide door, with its elliptical fanlight and sidelights, is set in a deep niche.