Henry's words were as gruff as ever, but the unusually deep pitch of his voice caught my entire attention.
Sorren's movements slowed to real time, and his voice dropped back to a deep pitch.
Every once in a while he would cup his hands to his mouth and precisely imitate a call, though at a slightly deeper pitch.
Then, his voice dropping to a deep pitch: "Yes, tyranny.
In most males the vocal folds are longer and with a greater mass, producing a deeper pitch.
Cut from 55-gallon oil drums, the larger the "pan" or drum, the deeper the pitch.
And, even at close range, there is an aura of distance about him, which the deep, oratorical pitch of his voice reinforces.
The roofs have a deep pitch in order to form large attics for added insulation.
Her voice sank to a deeper pitch and became gravelly, in imitation of Willie.
It is this that caused the sound to be heard as a deeper pitch.