"You think he'd help us," Myles said with deep sarcasm.
Pitt asked with deep sarcasm.
"Sure," assented Rowdy, with deep sarcasm.
"Which is as well for Killashandra Ree," Lanzecki said with deep sarcasm, "since she has not returned in her new sled."
"I'm always impressed with the speed at which history is rewritten," he says with deep sarcasm.
She said with deep sarcasm.
"He's got no phone listed in his name, he isn't registered to vote--" "That's a surprise," Leethe said, with deep sarcasm.
"He once wrote to Robespierre telling him "I know you as I know God", whatever that means," the man retaliated with deep sarcasm.
Lars spoke with deep sarcasm and she took in an anxious breath.
"No." Fleming said, with deep sarcasm, "Pity - but you can't win them all."