Following inspection of the deeper seams, it was decided to only work the Deep Hard coal at that point.
"Wavertown was where the Secos killed two hundred miners for refusing to work the deep seams."
At Wavertown, there were deep seams of iron ore.
The miners refused to go back to the deep seams.
The folds of the man's body made deep seams of dirt.
These were mainly used for pumping water out of mines, thus enabling deeper seams to be exploited.
As time went on, vertical shafts were sunk to get at the deeper seams.
The available resources of the deep hard and low main seams to the south west of the shafts were exhausted by 1943.
He was a long-legged man with his blue eyes set a little too far apart, in a face with those deep seams down each cheek.
Travel alone, and you mine deep seams from the most unpromising terrain.