So does the deep seriousness that is usually revealed in some longer reflection immediately following the anecdote.
'Doors are the most difficult thing in a school design,' he says, with a look of deep seriousness.
Barney started to laugh, but when he saw the deep seriousness of the girl's eyes he changed his mind.
But the three-part work has a deep seriousness about it.
Kinane stopped and looked at her, a deep seriousness in his eyes.
For the moment, he shied away from deep seriousness.
His quick precision and deep seriousness nearly rescue this movie from its own whimsy.
Altogether, it gave the work a feeling of deep seriousness.
He thought about this, thought about it with a real and deep seriousness.
He drew himself up to his full gawky height, and bowed with deep seriousness.