Once or twice a decade there is seriously deep and long lasting snowfall.
The winter of 1935-36 had been hard, with deep snowfalls and long cold snaps that turned streams and rivers to solid ice.
Very deep snowfalls and severe weather were experienced in 1899.
The winter of 1830-1831 is called the "Winter of the Deep Snow"; a sudden, deep snowfall blanketed the state, making travel impossible for the rest of the winter, and many travelers perished.
The winters are often bitter with deep snowfalls and frigid temperatures.
The weather system that produced yesterday's rain, thunder, fog and warmth, in which much of this winter's deep snowfall vanished, might be considered a garden-variety thunderstorm in July.
In deeper snowfalls, personal vehicles may become trapped, and their removal through shoveling may take up to several days.
On December 7, 2009, there was an even deeper snowfall dropping to 1,000 feet.
Fed by deep snowfall in the Wrangell Mountains, the 53 mile (85 km) long Nabesna is the longest valley glacier in North America and the world's longest interior valley glacier.
Who could forget the familiar Currier & Ives images and E. B. White's rendition of stoic Maine farmers and their camaraderie during deep snowfalls.