A deep veranda, cool with shade and the breeze that came in across the hospital lawns.
The land was leased in 1760 by Abraham Mortier, the British paymaster general, who built a country villa with deep verandas on the site.
The perimeter walls are fully glazed, opening onto deep verandas which allow for circulation inside the house.
Elliott sat alone on the deep veranda.
I am drawn to sit in a deep veranda and to hear the talk of an old man I used to know.
I lingered over my tea, like everyone else, shaded by the deep veranda.
The road goes past it now, instead of ending there, and the houses next door are only a few feet away from its deep, wraparound veranda.
The house itself had deep verandas on two sides and fly-wire doors, and screens on all the windows.
Parker swung the Tempo into the majestic circular driveway and parked in front of broad, flower-bordered steps that led up to a deep pillared veranda.
My panelled room has a deep veranda overlooking his organic vegetable garden.