I am a soldier," he told the A.P. "Thus I have a deep-rooted feeling of duty - but also of honor.
However, it is short-lived when she sleeps with Adam, unable to shake her deep-rooted feelings for him.
Even when there have been tensions and problems, we may have spent many out-of-work hours caring for parents, and there may be deep-rooted feelings of loss.
Thus I have a deep-rooted feeling of duty, but also of honor.
Where I agree with Elizabeth Stone is that there are very deep-rooted feelings on the part of people who occupy the boot or the peninsula of Italy for their past.
Despite the deep-rooted feelings between African-Americans and Whites, most southern cities were more willing to integrate the public libraries over other public facilities.
One academic suggested that "The Malays have a deep-rooted feeling that they alone are the bumiputras, the sons of the soil, and as such have certain special rights over the land."
Always relevant, they say, because of his critical attitude toward the petty bourgeoisie, his deep-rooted Democratic feelings and his absolute faith in the strength of the people.
The Afrikaners' deep-rooted feelings remain unexamined; their hold on the land they consider their own is blind, unquestioned, mute.
A recent scandal over the restoration of his monument in the Moscow Metro reveals deep-rooted feelings in Russian society.