Most bioluminescent bacteria belong to this family, and are typically found as symbionts of deep-sea animals.
William Beebe - first biologist to observe deep-sea animals in their native environment.
He need not mind sending a diver to hold his breath in the deep seas; he will soon be a deep-sea animal.
Mobile scavenger stage: Big and mobile deep-sea animals arrive at the site almost immediately after whales fall on the bottom.
This deep-sea animal lives between 600-1475 m depth.
Many, perhaps most deep-sea animals produce light.
A total of 70 hours of observations and 102 deep-sea animal and rock specimens were collected during the cruise.
Some deep-sea animals, such as the greeneye, use fluorescence.
It is estimated that 90% of deep-sea animals produce some sort of bioluminescence.
His eyes were blue but with a slit pupil like a cat or a deep-sea animal.