A deep-seated conviction still exists among many people that Europe has got some things right that the United States has wrong.
It confirms the deep-seated conviction of the Old World that America is a provincial place, a second-rate country-town civilization after all.
Over the years, he earned begrudging acceptance from world leaders who criticized his outmoded Soviet-style leadership but came to appreciate his courtly tenacity and deep-seated convictions.
"What Dolores brought was a deep-seated conviction that Hostos not only deserved to exist, but that it could prosper."
That deep-seated conviction, he added, "leads to a disproportionate response" and what he called "the chauvinist attitude that nobody can come in here."
While not strictly a pacifistic race, the Valzhan nevertheless held deep-seated convictions against violence except in defensive situations- and then only after all other conceivable options had been exhausted.
That is the problem, I suppose-that, and their deep-seated conviction that we must be out to corrupt them.
Both European society and, above all, our deep-seated convictions, demand it.
It is my deep-seated conviction that this question should be integrated into the actual philosophy of the association agreement.
It had occurred to him that Diana's jealousy might be rooted in her deep-seated conviction that Keith didn't truly need her.