Both were hungry for power, both had the same, deep-seated need to win recognition, to be somebody.
She will shunt him aside out of some deep-seated need to protect herself.
But it's what I wanted...1 think most human beings at heart have a deep-seated need for their own place, a home base.
As always, cooking seemed to satisfy some deep-seated need in her.
Maurice's voice and expression were filled with anguish, with a deep-seated need to understand.
Men have a deep-seated need to be admired and respected, and we are all made to serve each other.
Some of what I'm feeling stems from a deep-seated need to protect you.
You supplied a deep-seated need in me to blot out what I'd seen.
Maybe, like his parents, he has a deep-seated need to believe in something, anything.
Christine had a deep-seated need for stability; he was impetuous and reckless.