This process of erosion by seawater has deeply engraved the stone, contributing to its fantastic beauty.
It is deeply engraved on my heart, and, after what you have just said, I remember that only.
His comedic image was deeply engraved in fans' mind.
That event is deeply engraved in the consciousness of an entire generation that was emerging then from school and that today administers the Arab world.
The iron ore railroad is deeply engraved in Two Harbors history.
Didn't you inspect the copper-plate on which my pattern was deeply engraved?
As per the literature, the female child has been treated inferior to male child, and this is deeply engraved in her mind.
Fear of unknown terrors is deeply engraved in the human psyche from the days when craven timidity was the ticket to survival.
Their vows were there, word for word, with their own signatures beneath them, all deeply engraved into the metal.