The dorsal fin is deeply notched between the 10 spines and the 9-13 soft rays.
This crater formation has been significantly disintegrated by smaller impacts around the outer rim, leaving a wall that is deeply notched and incised.
It has a large mouth and a dorsal fin that is deeply notched between spiny and soft parts.
The anal fin usually has two spines, while the dorsal fins are deeply notched or separate.
The fruit is often notched deeply, dividing into twin sections, giving the genus its common name.
There are five petals which are deeply notched at the end, narrowed at the base and all go into an urn-shaped calyx.
The tiny flower has deeply notched or jagged tepals.
The flowers have four petals that are deeply notched.
Here, heavy sheets of limestone arch far up towards the range crest and are deeply notched where consequent streams have cut down their gorges.
The caudal fin is deeply notched; its teeth are flat and pale.