He could not afford to leave money behind, however deeply shocked.
Deeply shocked indeed, but not quite as the good lawyer imagined.
His anger had left him and he was merely deeply shocked.
At the time of Swift's death, the entire football community was deeply shocked.
He had just completed a large painting that left all of his artist friends deeply shocked.
I could guess his feelings, for the people were deeply shocked by these revelations.
Cameron was deeply shocked by the implication of her words.
The whole staff are deeply shocked by what's happened.
If she had thought for one moment he was serious she would have been deeply shocked.
"This is a very corrupt country," she said at last, deeply shocked.
Lucky is deeply shocked and surprised by this, leaving the house for some fresh air and reflecting upon their relationship.
I am deeply shocked and saddened by this ?
Capa, who was reportedly engaged to her, was deeply shocked and never married.
For a moment Lioren was so deeply shocked and insulted by the suggestion that he could not speak.
The ruling class was deeply shocked and reconciliation was attempted.
I am deeply shocked and dis- illusioned that you should think such a thing of me.
Holleran said the presenters were both "deeply shocked" and would not return to their radio show until further notice.
The owners and staff of the Tribune are deeply shocked and grieved at her loss.
A statement released on behalf of the family said that relative had been "deeply shocked and saddened" by the deaths.
I would like, on behalf of the European Parliament, to say how deeply shocked and saddened we are by this event.