Latinos can be of any race, but when they are forced to select one, many have used white as a default choice.
There is no default choice for this question, which is exactly right, as far as I'm concerned.
Narasimharaju was the default choice for the comedian's role.
So next time you're tempted to use the default choice, perhaps think again and choose something with more individuality.
Standard air-con along with that sub-£8,000 price tag would have made it the default choice in this class.
The buyer can customize the machine by selecting components from a list or just go with the default choices.
The airlines push some - often using the electronic version as the default choice if the passenger does not specify a paper ticket.
It's also the default choice of sports car from Wall Street to Tinseltown.
Matters are very different in some cultures, where a name at birth is only a childhood name rather than the default choice for later life.
The default choice for the average is a simple moving average, but other types of averages can be employed as needed.