Rome eventually defeated Carthage; thereafter, Venus was firmly connected both to Rome's growing political and military hegemony and its mythical Trojan past.
Roman forces under the command of Scipio Aemilianus defeat Carthage.
The Romans, who had defeated Carthage but were still a society of peasants, saw in Hellenistic cities that daily life could be more comfortable than theirs.
In the Second Punic War, Rome realized again that it had to strike at and defeat Carthage in its own homeland.
Why did Rome defeat Carthage?
While defeating Carthage they also undertook the conquest of Iberia.
After the Romans finally defeated Carthage and totally destroyed the city, they engaged in post-war propaganda to make their archenemies seem cruel and less civilized.
The Roman province of Africa was established after the Romans defeated Carthage in the Third Punic War.
Sean Dingwell as Scipio Africanus, the Roman general who finally defeated Carthage.
In 202 BC, Rome defeated Carthage, and was free to turn her attention eastwards.