Regan was defeated along with the Liberal government in the 1984 election.
An early proposal in 1993 was defeated, with 77 percent against and only 14 percent in support, along with 9 percent abstaining.
He helped promote the country's international role until he was defeated along with the Tory government in the 1963 federal election.
While over five thousand Union troops on twenty transport ships stood by, he was defeated and captured along with 300 men by a far inferior rebel force.
Blais' political career came to an end when he was defeated, along with the Campbell government, in the 1993 election.
Three other trustees were defeated for re-election along with the mayor, Edward Ihne.
These movements, which made a wide range of demands and lacked effective coordination, were eventually defeated along with the White Army during the Civil War.
He was defeated at the 1974 federal election, along with the other four DLP Senators, when the party's vote collapsed.
He is later seen after Yoochun had defeated him along with the entire student council including Vera.
When running for re-election in 1828, he was defeated (along with President John Quincy Adams).