A buyer should realise that, when he buys a second-hand car, defects may appear sooner or later.
Now that the full text of the tobacco deal is circulating, its most glaring defects look even worse than they first appeared.
The defects may appear with age but they affect younger women in some cases.
In this case, the defect might never appear over the entire lifetime of a desktop chip like Phenom-but it's still enough to push away potential buyers.
It seems that this defect has appeared more often, of late.
The same defect appears in the account of ethical judgment; no amount of empirical fact can ever yield the notion of absolute duty.
Some parents remain wary even after delivery, fearing that a defect may eventually appear.
Dr. Bowling emphasized the importance of not waiting until neurological defects appear, since they cannot be reversed by any known therapy.
Unless it is kept in perfect condition, defects can appear later in the manuscript's life as well.
The defects appear only to a finite conception which considers things separately and in themselves, and not in their connection with the whole.