Unlike the communicating cells of normal organs and tissues, which somehow stop growing at the right time and the right place, the defective cells had lost control over their growth.
They can be transplanted to replace defective cells in patients who have one of about 75 diseases, including leukemia, lymphoma, and immune system disorders.
Many cord blood transplants don't use the patient's own blood, which may have just as many defective cells as the rest of the body.
The bone marrow creates too many of these defective cells, known as "hairy cells" because of the thin hair-like projections found on their surface.
In the 1970's, his team found a protein in normal cells that restored the function of the defective cell when the protein was put in the cell membrane.
The odd number of chromosomes causes the defective cells to die, which leads to the malformations associated with Roberts syndrome.
Placed under the existing retina, it directly stimulates the neurons, replacing defective cells.
Webster read: "Suppose technology would enable us to remove defective cells, keeping only the healthy ones.
The defect causes the death of both these cells and others that are nourished and supported by the defective cells.
Gotta be a defective cell.