In 2005 his daughter Olivia-Jane was born with a defective heart.
Asaid was born with a defective heart.
Ms. Jensen had Down syndrome, which left her with a defective heart that was ruining her lungs.
Murmurs, irregular heart sounds, caused by blood flowing through a defective heart, can be detected with high sensitivity and specificity.
She has a defective heart, only one kidney, and cystic fibrosis.
The defective heart is removed and the baby is drained of all its blood.
The patient was only thirty-six, but she had a congenitally defective heart - huge and fatty and weak.
The young man had a defective heart, it emerged.
He had died young, or what was thought to be young in those days, because he, like James Wait, had inherited a defective heart.
Some clones have been born with defective hearts, lung problems, diabetes, blood vessel complications and malfunctioning immune systems.