However, as with all technological innovations, someone had to take the initiative and resolve these early defective systems.
After inspection, Nintendo technicians will either ship a replacement system or fix the defective system.
And a Continental 727 was flying recently with a defective electrical system that made many gauges inoperative.
It'll be interesting to see what he can do with an old, defective system like this.
It is a system alien to American principles and defective in practice.
"The only difference between these healing mice and ordinary mice was their defective immune systems."
Two weeks ago, Chrysler discovered that 1,100 Neons had defective braking systems.
Infection is rare despite high exposure, and can be related to a defective immune system.
Nearly 300 have roofs that need replacement, and even more have rotten window frames or defective electrical systems.
They said cheetahs clearly suffered from chronic health problems that might be linked to a defective immune system and overall genetic frailty.