Australia used the strategy to spend as little money as possible on the defence of the country.
They would be the first to be mobilized, and during the war they played a major role in the defence of the country.
In peacetime the Chair's main function is to plan the defence of the country.
Although it sought to avoid entering the war, Spain did make plans for defence of the country.
To function as an Emergency Force intended for special tasks directly or indirectly connected with the defence of the country.
Union List includes subjects of national importance such as defence of the country, foreign affairs, banking, communications and currency.
In Britain the defence of the country has been left for centuries to a Navy which did its work out of sight.
Not even the internal defence of the country is paid out of the revenue.
In 1640 he served on the committee of the estates for the defence of the country.
The first is, when some particular sort of industry is necessary for the defence of the country.