First, Zane Grey defends morality in characters like Jane.
"There is a lot of corruption in Brazil, and many things to be ashamed of, but we also have a Constitution that clearly spells out the functions and powers of a prosecutor, and those are to defend the democratic order and morality in administration."
Page 1 Boris Yeltsin defended his maturity and morality to an audience of students and guests in New York.
The real message is that Christians and others who defend traditional sexual morality are branded as unfit for public service.
Nunn also strongly defended the value and morality of nuclear weapons.
When Mr. Kristol defends such morality in pragmatic terms, he is often persuasive, and very wise.
They must defend morality "like offensive linemen protecting the quarterback."
Federalists opposed the French Revolution, defended traditional Christian morality, and supported a new "natural aristocracy" based on "property, education, family status, and sense of ethical responsibility."
He stressed the concept of the Klan as a fraternal society and brotherhood, organized for civic activism, to help the poor and defend morality.
It preserved the code of honour without pretending to defend the legality or morality of duelling.